Pedro Zuidberg dos Martires

Assistant Professor

AASS Research Center
School of Science and Technology
Örebro University
70182 Örebro, Sweden
Room: T2250
Phone: No Phone Number Available
Email: No Email Address Available

Google Scholar


[1] A. Persson, P. Zuidberg Dos Martires, A. Loutfi and L. De Raedt. Semantic Relational Object Tracking.BibTeX | DiVA ]
[2] P. Zuidberg dos Martires, L. De Raedt and A. Kimmig. Declarative probabilistic logic programming in discrete-continuous domains. Artificial Intelligence, 337, 2024BibTeX | DiVA ]
[3] G. Venturato, V. Derkinderen, P. Zuidberg dos Martires and L. De Raedt. Inference and Learning in Dynamic Decision Networks Using Knowledge Compilation. In Proceedings of the 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(38:18):20567-20576, 2024BibTeX | DiVA ]
[4] P. Zuidberg dos Martires. Probabilistic Neural Circuits. In Proceedings of the 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(38:15):17280-17289, 2024BibTeX | DiVA ]
[5] R. Hazra, P. Zuidberg dos Martires and L. De Raedt. SayCanPay : Heuristic Planning with Large Language Models Using Learnable Domain Knowledge. In Proceedings of the 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(38:18):20123-20133, 2024BibTeX | DiVA ]
[6] V. Derkinderen, R. Manhaeve, P. Zuidberg dos Martires and L. De Raedt. Semirings for probabilistic and neuro-symbolic logic programming. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 171, 2024BibTeX | DiVA ]
[7] L. De Smet, E. Sansone and P. Zuidberg dos Martires. Differentiable Sampling of Categorical Distributions Using the CatLog-Derivative Trick. In Proceedings of the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 36(36), 2023BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ]
[8] L. De Smet, P. Zuidberg dos Martires, R. Manhaeve, G. Marra, A. Kimmig and L. De Raedt. Neural Probabilistic Logic Programming in Discrete-Continuous Domains. In Proceedings of the Thirty-Ninth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, pages 529-538, 2023BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ]
[9] V. Verreet, V. Derkinderen, P. Zuidberg dos Martires and L. De Raedt. Inference and Learning with Model Uncertainty in Probabilistic Logic Programs. In Proceedings of the 36th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 36:9:10060-10069, 2022BibTeX | DiVA ]
[10] V. Derkinderen, E. Heylen, P. Zuidberg Dos Martires, S. Kolb and L. De Raedt. Ordering Variables for Weighted Model Integration. In Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 124(124):879-888, 2020BibTeX | DiVA ]
[11] A. Persson, P. Zuidberg Dos Martires, A. Loutfi and L. De Raedt. Semantic Relational Object Tracking. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 12(1):84-97, 2020BibTeX | DiVA ]
[12] P. Zuidberg Dos Martires, N. Kumar, A. Persson, A. Loutfi and L. De Raedt. Symbolic Learning and Reasoning With Noisy Data for Probabilistic Anchoring. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 7, 2020BibTeX | DiVA ]
[13] P. Zuidberg dos Martires, V. Derkinderen, L. De Raedt and M. Krantz. Automated Reasoning in Systems Biology : A Necessity for Precision Medicine. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, pages 974-980, 2024BibTeX | DiVA ]
[14] O. A. Can, P. Zuidberg Dos Martires, A. Persson, J. Gaal, A. Loutfi, L. De Raedt, D. Yuret and A. Saffiotti. Learning from Implicit Information in Natural Language Instructions for Robotic Manipulations. In Proceedings of the Combined Workshop on Spatial Language Understanding (SpLU) and Grounded Communication for Robotics (RoboNLP), pages 29-39, 2019BibTeX | DiVA ]
[15] S. Kolb, P. Morettin, P. Zuidberg Dos Martires, F. Sommavilla, A. Passerini, R. Sebastiani and L. De Raedt. The pywmi framework and toolbox for probabilistic inference using weighted model integration. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 6530-6532, 2019BibTeX | DiVA ]
[16] P. Zuidberg Dos Martires, A. Dries and L. De Raedt. Exact and Approximate Weighted Model Integration with Probability Density Functions Using Knowledge Compilation. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 33:1(33:1):7825-7833, 2019BibTeX | DiVA ]