Dataset collection in Ängen

On February, 21st 2018, MPI members organized a workshop within the E-care@Home project in order to collect datasets revolving around resting activities. These E-care@home datasets contain elements such as lying down, getting up, sleeping, turning in bed or sitting. A total of 160 datasets (between 10 and 30s each) have been collected and contain data from pressure sensors, motion sensors and shimmer sensors.

Part of the E-care@Home project aims at addressing the problem of lack of usable data. Indeed a lot of current context-recognition systems need annotated data in order to train and test their algorithms. However, very few annotated datasets exist and E-care@Home members are working to make new datasets available for researchers around the world.

The shimmer sensor, wearable used during the data collection



Activties such as sitting on the bed or lying down were recorded.








The news on the E-care@Home website:



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