• HumaneAI Net Event on Communication in Human-AI Interaction

    On the 19th of November, an event from the HumaneAI Net focused on Communication in Human-AI Interaction is co-organized by Jennifer Renoux (MPI & CRS Labs) and Jasmin Grosinger (CRS Lab). Abstract Human interactions with AI systems are becoming part of our everyday life. If designed and developed efficiently, these interactions have great potential in enhancing human work, abilities, and…

  • Ph.D. Thesis Defense – Sara S. Moghadam

    Sara S. Moghadam will defend her Ph.D. thesis on Sept. 30, 13:15 in Hörsal F. Her thesis is a very interdisciplinary work and focused on using agent-based modeling and simulation for analyzing structural dynamics of industrial networks. For this aim, she developed two agent-based simulation models.

  • Two papers accepted at ICSR 2021

    Lucas Morillo and Neziha Akalin both got their paper accepted at International Conference on Social Robotics 2021. You can find here the title and abstract of the papers! Congratulations to the authors! Age-Related Differences in the Perception of Eye-Gaze from a Social Robot L Morillo-Mendez, M. Schrooten, A. Loutfi and O. M. Mozos Abstract The sensibility to deictic gaze declines…

  • RO-MAN 2020 – Paper accepted

    Jennifer Renoux, together with Tiago Veiga, Pedro U. Lima (IST Lisbon) and Matthijs Spaan (TU Delft) received an acceptance notification to the International Conference on Robot-Human Communication (RO-MAN) 2020. Their paper, titled “A Unified Decision-Theoretic Model for Information Gathering and Communication Planning”, proposes a model allowing an artificial agent to select pro-actively pieces of information to communicate to a human…

  • QISAR Workshop 2020

    We are organizing the second edition of Quality of Interaction in Socially Assistive Robots (QISAR) Workshop at the 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) 2020.  The first edition was held at the 11th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR) 2019 where accepted papers were invited to a special issue on Paladyn. Journal of Behavioral Robotics.

  • Keynote by Prof. Mehul Bhatt at SoAIR 2019

    KEYNOTE By Prof. Mehul Bhatt at: “Social and Artificial Intelligence for User-Friendly Robots” (SoAIR 2019) 17-24 March, 2019, Shonan Village, Japan  — SoAIR 2019 follows the Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2019) conference near South Korea. — Information: https://inic8.bitbucket.io/SoAIR19/ The SoAIR 2019 school aims at bridging the gap between social and cognitive Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Autonomous Vehicles (AV) through high level talks, tutorials, and hands-on workshops. The school addresses…

  • MPI Lab at the Federated AI Meeting

    The Federated Artificial Intelligence Meeting (FAIM) took place in Stockholm from the 10th to the 19th of July, and the MPI Lab was greatly represented! The FAIM co-located three of the world’s biggest conferences in AI: the International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS) the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence…

  • Keynote @The Eye, The Brain and The Auto 2018 by Mehul Bhatt

    8th World Research Congress on Vision and Driving., Detroit (MI), Unites States. — Focusing on the Impact of Disruptive Autonomous Vehicle Technology on Health and Wellness  www The Eye, The Brain & The Auto research congress is attended by researchers and practitioners from AI and Cognitive Sciences, Healthcare, and Automotive industries dedicated to improving our understanding of the relationship between vision…

  • Keynote @QR 2018 by Mehul Bhatt

    Spatial Reasoning: Theory, Methods, Applications Keynote by Mehul Bhatt at the 31st International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning (QR 2018) Co-located with IJCAI-ECAI-18, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2018. www

  • CoDesign Lab Announcements

    CoDesign  —  Cognition.  Artificial Intelligence.  Interaction.  Design. http://www.codesign-lab.org Rome.  Stockholm.  Warsaw.  New Orleans.  /   Feb – Sep 2018 Symposia. Workshop. Tutorials.  ##  SYMPOSIA  ## Minds. Movement. Moving Image.  (Part 1):  On Spatial Cognition and the Built Environment Minds. Movement. Moving Image.  (Part 2):  On Visuo-Auditory Perception and the Moving Image Symposia convener:  Mehul Bhatt International Conference on Spatial Cognition (ICSC) ICSC 2018  /  Rome, Italy  …