Andreas Persson


AASS Research Center
School of Science and Technology
Örebro University
70182 Örebro, Sweden
Room: T2238
Phone: +4619303714
Email: No Email Address Available

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Andreas Persson is currently working as a Researcher at the Machine Perception and Interaction Lab , Centre for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems (AASS) at Örebro University. Andreas concluded his Ph.D. studies in 2019 and received his Ph.D. in Information Technology by defending his thesis on the topic of semantic modeling of real-world objects using perceptual anchoring . In particular, he has studied how the concept of perceptual anchoring could be used to model semantically rich representations of real-world objects observed through sensory data.

Andreas's research interests include, besides perceptual anchoring : knowledge representation , human-robot interaction , machine learning , and computer vision .

The anchoring framework , which Andreas has developed alongside his research, is publically available on Github:


[1] A. Persson and A. Loutfi. A Database-Centric Architecture for Efficient Matching of Object Instances in Context of Perceptual Anchoring.BibTeX | DiVA ]
[2] A. Persson, P. Zuidberg Dos Martires, A. Loutfi and L. De Raedt. Semantic Relational Object Tracking.BibTeX | DiVA ]
[3] A. Persson and A. Loutfi. Embodied Affordance Grounding using Semantic Simulations and Neural-Symbolic Reasoning : An Overview of the PlayGround Project. In AIC 2022 : Abstracts of accepted papers 2022BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ]
[4] A. Persson, P. Z. D. Martires, L. De Raedt and A. Loutfi. ProbAnch : a Modular Probabilistic Anchoring Framework. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI-20, pages 5285-5287, 2021BibTeX | DiVA ]
[5] M. Längkvist, A. Persson and A. Loutfi. Learning Generative Image Manipulations from Language Instructions. 2020BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ]
[6] A. Persson, P. Zuidberg Dos Martires, A. Loutfi and L. De Raedt. Semantic Relational Object Tracking. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 12(1):84-97, 2020BibTeX | DiVA ]
[7] P. Zuidberg Dos Martires, N. Kumar, A. Persson, A. Loutfi and L. De Raedt. Symbolic Learning and Reasoning With Noisy Data for Probabilistic Anchoring. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 7, 2020BibTeX | DiVA ]
[8] V. Aregbede, S. S. Abraham, A. Persson, M. Längkvist and A. Loutfi. Affordance-Based Goal Imagination for Embodied AI Agents. In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL), pages 1-6, 2024BibTeX | DiVA ]
[9] D. Mauritzson, G. Sjölin and A. Persson. Can prediction models aid in the process of selecting treatment for hyperthyroidism?. British Journal of Surgery, 111(Suppl. 7), 2024BibTeX | DiVA ]
[10] A. Persson and G. Lövstedt. KVARTSDAMM- Ett arbetsmiljöproblem som fortfarande skördar liv. , pages 67, 2019BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ]
[11] A. Persson. Studies in Semantic Modeling of Real-World Objects using Perceptual Anchoring. Örebro University, School of Science and Technology, Ph.D. Thesis, 2019BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ]
[12] A. Persson. Bevisning vid klander av testamente– med ett förtydligande av testamentsvittnenas roll. , pages 46, 2018BibTeX | DiVA ]
[13] A. Persson, M. Längkvist and A. Loutfi. Learning Actions to Improve the Perceptual Anchoring of Object. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 3(76), 2017BibTeX | DiVA ]
[14] A. Persson. Verkställighetshinder i utvisningsprocessen : hur och i vilken omfattning utreds dessa?. , pages 33, 2017BibTeX | DiVA ]
[15] A. Persson and A. Loutfi. Fast Matching of Binary Descriptors for Large-scale Applications in Robot Vision. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 13, 2016BibTeX | DiVA ]
[16] A. Persson and O. Östlin. Brandmäns upplevelser av hjärtstopp i väntan p\aa ambulans. 2015BibTeX | DiVA ]
[17] P. Beeson, D. Kortenkamp, R. P. Bonasso, A. Persson, A. Loutfi and J. P. Bona. An Ontology-Based Symbol Grounding System for Human-Robot Interaction. In Artificial Intelligence for Human-Robot Interaction : 2014 AAAI Fall Symposium, pages 48-50, 2014BibTeX | DiVA ]
[18] A. Persson, S. Al Moubayed and A. Loutfi. Fluent human–robot dialogues about grounded objects in home environments. Cognitive Computation, 6(4):914-927, 2014BibTeX | DiVA ]
[19] A. Persson and A. Loutfi. A Hash Table Approach for Large Scale Perceptual Anchoring. In 2013 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS (SMC 2013), pages 3060-3066, 2013BibTeX | DiVA ]
[20] A. Persson, S. Coradeschi, B. Rajasekaran, V. Krishna, A. Loutfi and M. Alirezaie. I would like some food : anchoring objects to semantic web informationin human-robot dialogue interactions. In Social Robotics : Proceedings of 5th International Conference, ICSR 2013, Bristol, UK, October 27-29, 2013., pages 361-370, 2013BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ]
[21] E. Andersson and A. Persson. En studie om hur Lean-Production p\aaverkarproduktionspersonalens motivation p\aaEmba Machinery AB. , pages 45, 2012BibTeX | DiVA ]
[22] A. Persson and C. A. von Horn. En guide till valet av utvecklingsteknik : En mixed method-studie om mobila applikationers utvecklingstekniker. , pages 30, 2019BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ]
[23] O. A. Can, P. Zuidberg Dos Martires, A. Persson, J. Gaal, A. Loutfi, L. De Raedt, D. Yuret and A. Saffiotti. Learning from Implicit Information in Natural Language Instructions for Robotic Manipulations. In Proceedings of the Combined Workshop on Spatial Language Understanding (SpLU) and Grounded Communication for Robotics (RoboNLP), pages 29-39, 2019BibTeX | DiVA ]
[24] A. Persson, M. Kerr and H. Stattin. Staying in or moving away from structured activities : Explanations involving parents and peers. Developmental Psychology, 43(1):197-207, 2007BibTeX | DiVA ]
[25] A. Persson. Leisure in adolescence : youths' activity choices and why they are linked to problems for some and not others. Örebro University, Department of Behavioural, Social and Legal Sciences, Ph.D. Thesis, 2006BibTeX | DiVA ]
[26] A. Persson and J. Pettersson. Vivalla och Västhaga, s\aa lika men änd\aa s\aa olika : status förklarad med fysiska faktorer. , pages 34, 2006BibTeX | DiVA ]
[27] H. Stattin, M. Kerr, J. Mahoney, A. Persson and D. Magnusson. Explaining why a leisure context is bad for some girls and not for others. In Organized activities as contexts of development : extracurricular activities, after-school and community programs, pages 211-234, 2005BibTeX | DiVA ]
[28] A. Persson, M. Kerr and H. Stattin. Why a leisure context is linked to normbreaking for some girls and not others : personality characteristics and parent–child relations as explanations. Journal of Adolescence, 27(5):583-598, 2004BibTeX | DiVA ]
[29] A. Persson. 3D Scan-based Navigation using Multi-Level Surface Maps. , pages 61, 2009BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ]
[30] A. Persson and J. Pettersson. Det egna huset framförallt : om människors vilja att skapa ett hem. , pages 40, 2007BibTeX | DiVA ]
[31] A. Persson, M. Kerr and H. Stattin. Staying in or moving away from structured activities : explanations involving parents and peers. BibTeX | DiVA ]